Around 67% of the Population Consumes Expired Food if its Appearance and Smell Do Not Show Signs of Deterioration


67% of Spanish consumers say they consume expired products if their appearance and smell do not show signs of deterioration, despite the fact that up to 85% of them pay attention to the expiration or best before date. This is evident from the presentation of the first ‘ AECOC Food Safety Barometer ‘, a study that analyses the level of consumer knowledge about food safety, their confidence in the system and their habits in the conservation, preparation and consumption of food. The study also identifies some risky practices in the handling of food at home, such as inadequate defrosting or storing open cans in the refrigerator.


Among the main findings, the report reveals that 62% of consumers correctly associate food safety with the prevention of foodborne illnesses, although young people show greater confusion, linking it to concepts such as sustainability and healthy eating.

The study indicates that 81% of consumers inform themselves about food safety issues, placing their trust especially in official bodies such as the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) (51%) and in health professionals (48%). However, the research indicates that 61% of those surveyed consider that the greatest food safety risks arise in the industrial production phase, followed by catering and food transport, and less than 50% are aware of the risks that can be assumed in the home, as a result of incorrect handling or conservation of food.

Young people (18-27 years old) deserve special mention, as up to 43% of them claim to be unaware of food alerts and, if they are informed, they do so through social networks, whether from friends or family or the networks of brands (43% and 42% respectively).

Regarding the perception of Spain compared to other countries in terms of food safety, 47% of respondents believe that the country has similar standards to the rest of Europe, while 26% place it in a better position. In addition, the barometer highlights that there are no major differences between industrial and artisan products in terms of compliance with food safety measures, and that seals and certificates are the aspects that generate the most confidence in consumers.

The impact of food alerts has also been analysed, revealing that 63% of consumers trust the sector’s controls after receiving such news, although 37% develop distrust. 74% of respondents stop trusting a specific brand after an alert, but continue to buy the same type of product from another company.

The report concludes with an analysis of how consumers identify spoiled products, highlighting that 88% are guided by smell, colour or texture, although 9% admit that they sometimes consume products with signs of deterioration.